AML Investigation Solution



Information architecture

Affinity mapping

User Testing

Contextual Enquiry


the challenge was

The challenge was to understand the existing product, what are the shortcomings with the product.

And also implement new business ideas.

totally deep

Since we already had an existing product, we wanted to understand the problem with the existing product, so to start our research we worked with user to understand the usability challenge, by task challenges, contextual enquiries.
Investigation time breakdown

We went on to understand few aspects of investigation, what are the stages of solving the cases, how is the time distribution for that in the current system and how an ideal system will lookfrom user's point of view.

One clear indication was that, the time spent on understanding the data was more than ideal. Leading to that we went to understand what and point hold value for the investigator.

Data points important for an investigator to direct the investigation :

Further contextual enquiries led us to find out various data points which help investigator to decide the risk factors of the cases and which things to look at.

Understanding investigator approach to a case in the existing product and the data points to look at:
Data points important for an investigator to direct the investigation :

There are many false positives cases detected by system and it takes some time to understand those, which in return increases the average TAT for cases.

System is just for getting data, actual investigation takes place out of the application.

User also uses other tools like excel to sort data, note book to keep notes.

Every case has different set of data that concludes the result sometime it may be directly relevant and sometime user has dive deep.

For new users the learning curve was more stiff and the probable reasons were complexity and heuristics of the product.

Traversing through cases or finding the cases is challenging in the existing product

Sometimes while doing investigation user miss-places data, it take immense concentration & tracking when dealing with sophisticated cases.

There are 2 levels of investigators, Junior (L1) investigator & senior investigator (L2).


are curated

Following the response and observations we broke down the problem statements and started brainstorming.

We tried worst possible ideas and normal brainstorming.


Creating wireframes and testing them was next in the line, we also wanted keep in line with business requirement along with user goals.

with testings

Creating wireframes and testing them was next in the line, we also wanted keep in line with business requirement along with user goals
User Interface
An immersive solution that redefined the whole experience of working in a case providing all the nessary details, also keeping in mind the ease of solving a case. It is now more than a just a data provding platform.