Consumer Durable Loan



Information architecture

Affinity mapping

User Testing

Contextual Enquiry


the challenge was

The challenge was to build a design meant for users who are new to the digital world, with growing screen size and new users we are aiming to design a system which is.
Easy to Use        
Prevents Errors        
Gives Users a 2nd or 3rd Chance        
Fun to Interact with

it's implemented

We definitely wanted to build something that useful and quirky at the same time did not want to forget the brand and it’s values.
Given the research data & flow, we started working on wireframes.

One of core problem was, ease of using the application and after multiple iterations & testing we ended with this wireframe.

Brand color

that matters

We tweaked the existing brand colour to get a colour system that represents brand but also gives a modern look.
Accent colours that are being used


It is an art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed, so in this case it is implemented well.
Icons &
It is an art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed, so in this case it is implemented well.


Buttons or CTA's also plays an important role as other UI components plays, so creating it as it gives the look and feel to the overall User Interace.
User Interface

User interface as a result