CoinSwitch Pro

User Testing

Quantitative analysis

Information architecture


User Interface


What is CoinSwitch Pro?

CoinSwitch Pro, A product that enables you to do crypto trade between different exchanges, just using one account! And that’s some voodoo magic by itself.

Product expectations & role expectation

I was given task to facilitate launch the product on 22nd Nov 2023 by designing the brand color palette, onboarding journey, profile, referrals, order types, but I would like to talk about redesigning trade page, finding the usability challenges in the current product and also make product future ready.

Upon launching CSPro(CoinSwitch Pro) to a limited set of users, we understood few usability issues which were further fortified by the user testing carried out.
User testing

Looking through users eyes

We carried out various tests, with different objectives, scenarios and user cohort.


1. Difficulty in finding the Referral (menus in general, had to make effort to decode the icons and read the menu before clicking)
Analysis of the existing top nav revealed that it the IA was broken, there wasn't any hierarchy of menus hence a cognitive load and finding a particular menu was difficult.
The proposed solution was work on restructuring of top nav, keeping all trading and non trading menus on the separate ends of the navigation, defining information hierarchy w.r.t flow of trade and providing visual superiority for certain items like, referral, contest, incase of a new contest is launched. Removal of menu icons were also done, since the existing menu items were difficult recognise whereas using icons where ever required.

A decrease in 18% to 24% of time required to identify the menu was noticed for new users via usability testing.
2.Unable to quickly find open orders.
In order for user to quickly find an open order, they had 2 options, either they can scroll through my trades, which has last 10 orders or they can go to open orders on orders page. Going to open order in the order page was a cumbersome process, also looking for open order is a very frequent process.
Introducing a toggle switch the for open orders, turned immensely useful according to multiple hotjar and feedbacks from user . Along with that we also introduced color coding for the closed order. With further feedbacks we have introduced cancel all and a touchpoint to order page as well.
3. Friction in quickly changing exchanges and placing orders
While looking into the user-flow for placing order, couple of the flows looked something like this. It is clearly visible the IA is not properly implemented. User has to go back and forth through entire screen in order to analyse and place the order.
In the new design we tried to make the flow linear wrt user-flow so that user don't have to go back and forth through the entire screen.
There were further more optimisations made in the new design to create a better experience and make the product future ready.

Collapsable coinlisting

Scalable trading widget

Standardising text fields

Introducing coin ticker

Creating watchlist and other listing

Currently, CoinSwitch Pro caters to 15,000 traders and a trading volume of 100Cr weekly which is about 9.7% of the market share and is growing continuously.